Sypalidaija ɛɩɝɔɂȷɒɔȷʆɔ Сйпалидайй’а Big Parliament
13th Sypalidaija
Bicameral upper chamber
Founded |
1 January, 1952
21 MPs
The Sypalidaija (Lyoonos: ɛɩɝɔɂȷɒɔȷʆɔ; Lyoonos pronunciation: //; Lunarian: Сйпалидайй’а; lit. Big Parliament) is the upper chamber of the Yogetapapalidaija of the unrecognized Luenas state. It makes up half of the legislative branch of the Luenas, with the other half being made up by the Nypalidaija, the lower chamber of the Yogetapapalidaija. Although legally unrecognized, the Sypalidaija meets in Dashevodnaiye along with the Nypalidaija and the other two branches of the Luenas' government. The chamber of the Sypalidaija is in the right wing of Dashevodnaiye's Palidaija building.
The Sypalidaija is the older of the two parliamentary bodies in the Luenas, having been established in 1952 (the Nypalidaija was only established in 1982) as a part of the formation of the government of the Luenas. The first elections were held on 20 August, 1952. The Sypalidaija originally consisted of just 15 seats, but this was expanded to 18 in 1962, and then to the current 21 seats in 1982 with the establishment of the Nypalidaija. Seats in the Sypalidaija are elected by a mixture of plurality-at-large voting (12 seats) and parallel voting (8 seats), and 1 seat is appointed to a party which represents a minority in the state. As a part of the 1962 expansion, the Sypalidaija was given a "Head" who was government appointed and served to break ties. This position was later expanded to Head of the Yogetapapalidaija, and the Head now serves as the Speaker in both the Nypalidaija and the Sypalidaija, as well as a de jure vice-president of the Luenas. The Sypalidaija is the second smallest parliamentary body in the combined World after the Nypalidaija, and the Yogetapapalidaija is the smallest legislative branch in the combined World.
The Sypalidaija is elected in its entirety (sans the one appointed seat) every five years. Although in theory, a party needs twelve seats to effectively control the Sypalidaija, because the single appointed seat is obligated to either abstain from a vote or support a vote, in practice a party which controls eleven seats functions as a majority. If no party wins a majority, the party with the most seats is obligated to form a government with other parties–should there be a tie in seats, the party with the highest percentage of the vote is considered the party in the majority. The current incumbent government is thus formed by the Lunarian Unified Party despite the fact that they have an equal number of seats to the Luenas Drakona Movement.
The last elections were held on 20 August, 2012, and the next elections for the Sypalidaija will be held on 20 August, 2017.