Vyfarla crisis
The Vyfarlan crisis was a political crisis surrounding the incorporation of Vyfarla Province that began on 11 February, 1900. At the time, the area which was proposed to make up Vyfarla Province was split between the unincorporated territories of North Vyfarla and South Vyfarla. While the Northern Vyfarlans were not adverse to incoporating Vyfarla into the Kryfona Kingdom, the Southern Vyfarlans detested the idea of a singular Vyfarla being incorporated, especially one which would be dominated by northerners. Subsequently, when the bill was slated to come to a vote, the South Vyfarlans began a campaign against the ascent of Vyfarla, prompting a political crisis which would continue for almost two months.
The first vote on the bill by the Kryfonsparliszaiye, taken on 14 February, 1900, failed by a margin of 42 to 39. Large scale discontent in North Vyfarla ensued. A second vote, which was forced through on 29 February also failed by a vote of 41 to 40, which caused riots to occur in North Vyfarla. Boycotts of South Vyfarlan goods in the north began in earnest, and widespread violence ensued in what became known as the Month of Rage. South Vyfarla was severely impacted by the boycott of the North, despite being an up-and-coming industrial power, and saw massive decreases in both government and company revenue within the territory--nonetheless, South Vyfarlans held firm and continued to oppose the bill.
A third, decisive vote on the bill was held on 7 April, after over a month of political bickering and deal making behind closed doors in the Kryfonsparliszaiye. The vote was again narrow, but on this occasion it passed by a margin of 42 to 39, with three of the decisive votes coming from Yaraan MPs. South Vyfarlans were outraged by the decision, and massive rioting broke out in virtually every southern city when the news was reported the day after on 8 April. Seventeen government buildings were firebombed or attacked in the South Vyfarla riots, and four government officials were killed in the process. So severe was the rioting that it prompted the crown--then held by Yeqsrin Worissilo--to intervene. The Kryfona military was deployed to keep the peace in the province, and remained there for almost five months after the decision. Only the Kryfona Civil War prevented them from staying longer.
The Vyfarlan crisis was the first, and to date, only major crises surrounding the admission of a province. While other provinces in the Kingdom, namely Seuyastazal, were incorporated with controversy, Vyfarla is to this day the only province whose ascent into the Kryfona Kingdom was delayed because of political troubles. In the aftermath of the decision, South Vyfarlans formed the South Vyfarlan Movement, which remains active to this day and still demands the separation of the two Vyfarlas.